
Showing posts from February, 2012

An Open Letter To a Worried God {From a Useless Boy} Volume 1 - Cricket

Disclaimer: If you are a religious fanatic/radical/orthodox/hyper-sensitive/secretly harbor gay-love for Tendulkar or believe freedom of speech is a virus corrupting the society – then – Turn-around & run – run – till you reach the asshole street on the corner of frockers Road, where I’ll trip you, you’ll fall flat on your nose & break your jaw. Why are you still here – Frock off. And my hearty welcome to the rest & my salute to the survivors of my – Open Letter to a Delhi Girl – You have balls. It was a Saturday morning, I woke lazily around quarter-to-nine & switched on my almost trash Hp lap top {they say don’t place them on laps – you may never be able to make babies again}. And like a loser logged on to FB, even before my eyes were fully awake.    I had two messages waiting – one from a pregnant friend Nisha {No she’s not married} telling me how her abdomen is going to explode anytime – total turn-on. The second message was from – The God – ...

Faith & Belief vs. Asshole Money

‘Belief is a past tense and Faith is future. Both of them in unanimity spell our present. Anything we do in life is what we believe and in-line to our faith. But the irony of life is this statement is idealistic, not realistic. We can’t hide away from the truth, we can close our eyes to it, but it never goes away. Truth cannot be buried in a graveyard - it’s immortal. But yes, realistically we try our best to hide. But we’re unable to do as we wish. We can blame it on the society, culture, paradigm or people. All these factors bind us; hold us back from doing what we believe in. We’re too scared to challenge the paradigm. The point to be noted is, it was us who made these rules, who formed the protocol. How we came to a point when these rules started dictating us - what we can - what we cannot be/do. It is remarkable how our social value-system has hampered the growth of our nation, our character. On the larger note, it has hampered us from being what we could have been;...

An Open Letter To A Delhi Girl {From A Delhi Boy}

Disclaimer: If you believe in God, Human Race, Love, Gandhi  – Go find something else to do – only sheer Nihilists and/or diehard Quentin Tarantino fans would find this bastardly piece delectable. I’m not sure how to start but cocksure that this gotta be written – paradox right – who really gives a flying frock [no I don’t really mean frock ]. I’ve procrastinated doing this blog for 3 & a quarter years. Heights! – nope – that’s just me –once some diabetically sweet soul asked me to describe myself succinctly – I said  ‘A conniving son-of-a-bitch – A pillar of Godlessness’ never heard from her again – so much for staying true – burn the bible & gita & SMOKE & sing -dum-maro-dum The blog title is a spin-off of the feisty madrasan’s open letter – what! ---- what did ya say – Oh! You already noticed & that’s why you’re reading it – you nerdy little frocking Basterds. Alrite enough of my dickhead-ery – here we roll It happened when I was ...