Jaipore Lusterature Snobestival (Bombastic Boots & Burberry Coats)
Here I’m, the greatest pain-in-the-ass perfectionist bastard. But this time I messed up big-time. There is enough evidence that most of the goof-ups weren’t in my control (e.g., kabootar peeing & pooping all over me, twice). I’m gonna stand up & accept me being human (not the Mr Salman Khan 'B eing Human' ). Yes, I screwed up. After the unanticipated (yet totally clichéd) hassles of IDs, ticket screw ups, train delays & bitch-fighting I arrived in Jaipur. I found myself swimming in the potpourri of glittering (g)old grannies, silicon-encrusted Shobha des & obnoxiously stupid teenagers. The common thread that ties them is money. You got it: It ain’t theirs, they spend it. That’s all that counts. If I weren’t so old (31), grumpy & a classic asshole I would’ve tried to hit on these smoking-hot pies. But I’m as I’m. The paradox is that I’m attracted to them physically but totally nauseated otherwise. I pretend to ignore them – it works. Anyway nobo...