What's Feminism Really About?
While I was smoking up with a new [and amazing] friend on her serene terrace at almost midnight, she said, in between of taking rapid drags, "Feminism isn’t about posting half-naked pictures and saying I can do whatever with my body. I’m free . Feminism is about equality not the freedom to take your shirt off in public." This she said in reference to one of her friends who posts semi-nudes of self & proclaims to be a feminist. My friend says her friend – the exhibitionist – is an immature ignorant wannabe who doesn't know squat about feminism. I take her word for it. But with all due respect to my perceptive friend, I’ve to say feminism is as much about taking your shirt off in public as it’s about equality. And what’s equality if it doesn’t cover the right to uncover . There will be no equality till women are judged on — what they wear, where their tattoos are inked, entering th...