Jaipǿr gLitterature Feztìíval 2014

The ‘rip-roaring’ Flashback Two days before I arrived at the Golden Temple of literature, The JLF, I was near the original Golden Temple in Amritsar to attend a ‘once close’ friend’s wedding. 9 people showed up to pick me from the station. The car had a maximum seating capacity of 7. That’s Punjab for you. At the wedding I wore a full-fledged turban for the first time ever. They all thought I looked mind-numbingly beautiful & beseeched me to convert (See pic). I took a rain-check. As expected the wedding was an over-the-top glitzy affair. But no matter how much I crib the truth is I had a rollicking time with the family of the bride. I had to take the train back to Delhi as there were no direct trains to Jaipur from Amritsar. I missed my connecting train from Delhi & had to, for the 2 nd year running, take the bus. I suffered mild torture with the bus stopping at places I didn’t know even existed on the way to Jaipore. I was finally delivered in Jaipur at...