Porn: Crucifixion to Resurrection

It was like any other day. Boring. Life’s been like that for the last decade since I got kicked outta college. I overheard two teenaged girls whispering standing next to me in the Metro & it all changed. Boring transcended into tragic. In that moment I was reading Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms . The day turned into A Farewell to Porn . For the rest of the ride back home I was in a reverie. I went back 18 years, the first occasion I got the glimpse of this mystical thing. I was 16. It was in a boarding school. Long before I watched "The video" I had seen adult magazines like debonair & chastity and some crude material a.k.a made in India kind. I also remembered one of my most aesthetic memory of porn. I was in my first year of university. There was a bunch of us desi boys living on rent in the shadiest suburb in Melbourne: the Footscray. I walked into the living room & saw one of those films playing on our ancient televisio...