Qandeel Baloch

Before you read this I’d like for you to ask yourself a simple question. What kind of human are you? If you see a poor stranger at 2am on a cold December night, shivering in pain as he’s just become a victim of hit-&-run – would you stop your car, walk out & do all that’s humanly possible to save this man. Would you recall your mother’s wisdom & keep driving, knowing god exists & he will save the man. Knowing how stupid it is to get into someone else’s mess. And for all you know the human is an imposter. On September 11, 2001, I watched live, on TV, as the second of the twin towers was pierced by a plane & then came crashing down. In the fifteen years since, I haven’t shed a tear for the dead. Paradoxically, I’ve celebrated 9/11 for the last 6 years. No, I didn’t get turned and hit it off with Al Qaeda - I fell in love with a girl, who happened to be born on 9/11. But, I digress. I haven’t shed a tear for the thousands of dead Kashmiris, millions dea...