Gujrat, Ganja & a Gone Girl

Do you ever wonder why anything that happens, happens? Things like — unexpected birth of a sibling, unexpected death of a sibling, unexpected lifelong love, unexpected lifelong imprisonment. Do you ever wonder? or are you one of those naive romantic cunts who believes in Destiny. I wish I was like you, but I’m not. I believe in signs & I follow them like a psychotic stalker. 45 - that’s what I call her. I met her in a basement office for a formal project six.point.five months ago. I met her almost every day for hours. When I suddenly parted ways 3 weeks later, she felt what an LSD addict feels if she’s cut off cold turkey. After her cheeks had dried, she did what most of us have either forgotten or never learned to do - she wrote long email letters telling me about mundane-quirky events of her inconsequential life. She knew I may never read those long emails, but she wrote them nevertheless. I read them 4 months later. I wrote back. She wrote back 2 days...