Love Letter to ✰xíḉ⧷⋮

I sit on a chair-table next to the see-through glass wall. A pigeon looks at me & wonders why humans live in cages of bricks & glass. A girl walks towards me with a smile. I speak before she does. “I will take a coffee in a ceramic cup — black, no sugar — thank you.” “Sure.” She made a note. “And are expecting company, Sir?” “I don’t know if she’s coming” “Um” “It’ll just be me” “Alright, Sir” I don’t know of anyone who has drunk more coffees in a café sitting by himself. I like the amalgamation of solitude with coffee, ink & paper - that’s how my soul weaves stories. It’s the thing that makes me come alive even when my heart is frozen. Today is different. Not different like when it rains on a sunny day - different like when a bride dies on her wedding day. The calendar had no 29th in February. The calendar has a 29th in March. The calendar of my life & hers also had a 29th. Now, it doesn’t —— In life, I didn’t expect to fall in love. Not because I didn...