Web series Title : Live-in Concept The story spans over three weeks & flashbacks [90-minute reel time spread over six 15-minute webisodes]. Five major characters [22-23-years-old post graduate students] are Adil [narrator {ice-cool chutia}], Arshi [Adil’s twin sister & cold-hearted bitch], Mira [Adil’s live-in girlfriend & magical heart reader], Kamles aka Basterd [promiscuous, Adil’s BFF, Arshi’s ex-BF, Maddy’s live-in not-BF], Manjari aka Maddy [girlfriend-of-the-year without a jealous bone – not-dating but surely-mating with Kamles] Shit hits the fan when Mira kicks Adil out from their live-in home. Adil moves in with Maddy-&-Kamles & has to sleep on the same bed. Why. Kamles reckons Adil’s a chicken & would run back to Mira in the middle of the night & beg her to take him back. Adil knows Kamles is right. Adil & Mira love each like madly. But, at times, paradoxically, you just can’t live with the one you really love. Even ...