Slut Shaming

If I were to pick two of the most ridiculously dumbfuck inventions of the civilised society, I would pick: Selfies & Slut-shaming. Selfie is an ultra-modern millennial’s phenomenon - Slut-shaming, au-contraire, has survived millenniums. But it wasn’t before a bunch of geniuses created ‘God & Religion’ that slut-shaming became the rage it is today. Believe it or not, there was a time when men didn’t know that women are their exclusive property. There was a time when men didn’t treat women like their pretty underwear, which only they can wear whenever the hell they wanted to. Men thought of women as trees - they sat under their shade; they ate their fruit but didn’t feel dishonoured when someone else did too. There was a time when no one owned or tore down trees that gave us life. Those days were about 12 thousand years ago. This was when people weren’t aware of science & were yet to invent God. Men believed the entire clan was the father of the kid born ...