From Yesudas with Love

Girls are beautiful, infuse glamour to the world filled with scruffy men. They give birth, cook amazing food, ooze warmth & naturally brighter than stupid men. I like the idea of a girl. What I don’t like is the outcome. With all the potential they’ve hardly anything to show for. Women blame men for all their under-achievements but that’s chicken shit. “There’s one thing I got against the black chappies is that nobody gives it to you. You gotta take it ” Jack Nicholson declares in the first scene of Martin Scorcesse’s Oscar winning film Departed. Barring the glorious exceptions I’ve found girls boring, fake, scared, shallow, and waiting for their prince charming to complete them. What makes them look so bad is their competition: The Men. It is inexcusable to lose over & over to men. Barring exceptions men are ugly, barbaric, war mongers, brains in their balls, can’t cook to save their life, can’t give birth, struggle with emotions, and their life’s sole purpose ...