Is Romantic Love Ever True Love

From the time we are born, we are fed milk & lies. Bottles of milk & Buckets of lies. 1. All humans are born equal [this punk philosopher never set foot in India - even identical twins born in the same family aren’t equal] 2. Respect & never hit a Woman [Why aren’t we taught not to hit another human - regardless of their gender] 3. Everyone has a talent [that’s why only one Indian {out of billions that have lived} has won an Olympic Gold ever in 121 years. And Michael Phelps alone has won 23 Golds.] 4. Child’s love is unconditional [If the mother stops feeding the baby, will the baby love her?] 5. There is God [He must be white, prude & misogynist] 6. Sex is bad [That’s why it feels so good and everyone is born out of it] 7. Someone is made for everyone. He/she is out there waiting to cross your path. [Contrarily, I’ve found that hardly anyone falls in love, but almost everyone falls into marriage.] Everybody is too scared to be alone after ...